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Harward bailed after watching Trumps press conference:

Harward bailed after watching Trumps press conference:

Top national security adviser pick reportedly bailed after seeing Trump's press conference

[ Who could blame him? Who wants to work for someone like that? Apparently there's a hundred or so important job posts that still haven't been filled in the trump administration. Maybe nobody wants the jobs??]

"libido sciendi"..... the passion to know.
2/18/2017, 12:29 pm Link to this post PM Noserose
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Re: Harward bailed after watching Trumps press conference:

I have sent my vitae to every president since Gerald Ford, asking to be considered for either the position as Abassador to Italy or as a special advisor (Czar) for Golf and Fishing. Sadly none have accepted. This time I sent no such application to Donald Trump. Because there was rhe one chance in ten million that he might bite on it. And I just simply cannot or would not associate myself with that administration.

Long live the Free Territory of Trieste (1947 - 1954)
2/18/2017, 1:09 pm Link to this post PM GoHawk Blog

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